What started as a series of short mysteries for the curious mind with a short attention span has evolved into enlightening conversations for the not-so-short attention span. Whether it’s a short mystery, a long conversation, or an audio book, The Way I Heard It is a veritable box of chocolates for the ears, because you never know what you’re going to get. The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe Reach 250,000 Cost Contact Us
Just your average guy who loves tech and giving his opinions on it. For business inquires please email UrAvgConsumer@gmail.com and UrAvgGf@gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram 🔥 Judner, @uravgconsumer: http://bit.ly/1Q7GoH4 Arie, @uravggf: http://bit.ly/2fq9Ngf Meet the Team! Judner Aura, host Arielle Hoo, production lead and lead editor Jianan He, 3D Animation Director Want to send us something? Send here: Judner Aura UPS Store 137 1/2 UrAvgConsumer Reach 220,000 Cost Contact Us
The Libsyn Ads Private Marketplace affords advertisers access to high-end, highly sought after podcast inventory from preeminent publishers that host on Libsyn, a top 3 paid podcast host platform. Libsyn is a market leader in terms of LOW AD LOAD, so advertisers are offered a high share of voice in a high quality podcast environment. This run-of-network style offering enables highly-targeted, produced podcast ad spots to be delivered to engaged Libsyn Ads Private Marketplace Reach 200,000 Cost Contact Us
Two Atlanta legends Big Bank and DJ Scream bring you the long awaited BIG FACTS Podcast! BIG FACTS with Big Bank & DJ Scream Reach 200,000 Cost Contact Us
Preston Perry and Jackie Hill Perry bring their humor, honesty, insight, and a whole lot of truth into conversations on everything from relationships and theology to politics, race, and parenting. With The Perrys Reach 195,000 Cost Contact Us
Daily hour-long news and politics talk show hosted by David Pakman The David Pakman Show (YouTube Video C Reach 175,000 Cost Contact Us
The OFFICAL YouTube page for "Keepin It 100 with Konnan," now apart of Bleav! The Official YT has multiple daily uploads, which are shared all across social media, plus multiple pro wrestling & sports news sites. Keepin' It 100 OFFICIAL (with Konnan & Reach 170,000 Cost Contact Us
Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show. Here we do breakdowns, reviews, recaps, easter egg hunts, ending explained videos and point out the things you missed in Marvel movies, Netflix TV Shows, DC Stuff and a lot more. You probably want to know a bit about me. As I was born the doctor walked in and said ‘Darth Vader is Luke’s father’ Just as he was doing it he spilled a bunch of chemicals on me Fused with my body and his words I became the Heavy Spoilers Reach 150,000 Cost Contact Us
Inspirational, Dating Coach, Self-Help, Empowerment Christopher Louis Instagram (Dating In Reach 130,000 Cost Contact Us
K100 with Konnan and Disco presents arguably the biggest box office sensation in the history of Mexico! A WWF, WCW, MLW and Lucha Underground superstar, head writer, producer for AAA in Mexico, and power broker… not that Konnan is being vainglorious or anything! One thing is for sure, through it all, Konnan has always Kept it 100.While this has not always kept him endeared to management, it's one reason why he's garnered a huge worldwide K100 w/ Konnan & Disco Reach 125,000 Cost Contact Us
Sharing about tech - reviews, comparisons, customizations, etc. Find more on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. Don't forget to subscribe! Business inquiries: createdbyellayt@gmail.com Created by Ella Reach 120,000 Cost Contact Us
The Creative Control Network currently carries the following shows ABSURD! w/ Joe Feeney Taking You To School w/ Dr. Tom Prichard The Wrestle Lingus Show The Business Of The Business The Undisputed Podcast w/ Bobby Fish United States Of Australia The Aew-some Pod This package sells for an ad on each show for a discounted group rate, plus social network promotion. Each show is also available for business on an individual basis. The Creative The Creative Control Network Reach 93,500 Cost Contact Us
Welcome to my channel! My name is Lauren and I make videos about home decor, cooking, and organizing! I hope you get motivation and inspiration throughout my channel to bring joy and love into your home. Thank you for watching and please subscribe so we can support each other on this incredible journey! Every sweet comment, like, view and subscribe brings me so much happiness and inspiration. Thank you for being a part of this community! Check Lauren Nicholsen Reach 90,000 Cost Contact Us
Whats up its Katie & Josh! Welcome to our Vlog Channel! We post Vlogs, Pranks, and Challenges! Subscribe if you're a savage and want to be part of the JATIE Fam! Business Inquiries Only: j80vlogs@gmail.com Jatie Vlogs Reach 80,000 Cost Contact Us New
Welcome to the official Panton Squad YouTube channel! We are Don, Malinda, Yaya, Dj, Bryson and Brielle. We are a married couple with 3 beautiful kids and 2 dogs named Snowy and Louie who love to have fun and go on fun adventures. On this channel, you’ll find a variety of vlog and family videos, including vlogs, challenges, pranks, surprises, skits, and more. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications so you never miss a video! The Pantons Reach 75,000 Cost Contact Us