This Week in Google

News, Technology


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Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, Ant Pruitt, and their guests talk about the latest Google and cloud computing news.

Records live every Wednesday at 5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific / 21:00 UTC.

Podcast Information

About the Host
host profile pic
Host Name: Leo Laporte, Jeff Ja
Host Residence Country: United States
Any of the Host(s) Identify as LGBTQ+: (No Response)

Any of the Host(s) are:
Caucasian: (No Response)
African American: (No Response)
LatinX: (No Response)
Asian: (No Response)
Other: (No Response)
Leo is Founder and owner of the TWiT Podcast Network. He launched the network in 2005 with its first show, This Week in Tech, and continues to host that show and others on the network, including MacBreak Weekly, Security Now, This Week in Google, Windows Weekly, and The Tech Guy. He directs the network as a whole, hiring staff, originating new shows, and approving all advertising.

Jeff Jarvis is the author of the upcoming book The Gutenberg Parenthesis as well as What Would Google Do? and
Average Episode Length
1-1.5 Hours

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Audience Demographics

Audience Percent by Country
United States
United Kingdom
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