Windows Weekly

News, Technology


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A weekly look at all things Microsoft, including Windows, Office, Xbox, Enterprise, and more. Join Leo Laporte and two of the foremost Windows watchers in the world, Paul Thurrott of and Richard Campbell.

Podcast Information

About the Host
host profile pic
Host Name: Leo Laporte, Paul Th
Host Residence Country: United States
Any of the Host(s) Identify as LGBTQ+: (No Response)

Any of the Host(s) are:
Caucasian: (No Response)
African American: (No Response)
LatinX: (No Response)
Asian: (No Response)
Other: (No Response)
Leo launched the network in 2005 with its first show, This Week in Tech, and continues to host that show and others on the network, including MacBreak Weekly, Security Now, This Week in Google, Windows Weekly, and The Tech Guy. He directs the network as a whole, hiring staff, originating new shows, and approving all advertising.

You'll find notes for his nationally syndicated radio talk show at The Tech Guy Labs.

Paul Thurrott is an award-winning technology journalist and blogger with over 25
Show's Primary Language
English (US)
Average Episode Length
1-1.5 Hours

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