Libsyn Ads 5x5 Podcast Referral Program
Refer a podcaster to us and earn 5% commission on their revenue for the first 5 months.
Includes both host-read ads and Libsyn Auto Ads.
Get Started
How It Works

Complete the Form Below
To get started, simply complete the form below. Once we receive your information, a publisher team executive from Libsyn Ads will reach out to you to schedule a time to make the introduction.

Make the Introduction
You simply make the introduction via phone, email, or in person with one of our publisher team executives. Once the introduction has been made, our publisher team will pitch them on our hosting and monetization services.

Get Paid
Once we add the new publisher to our platform, you will receive 5% commission for any and all sales that air during the first 5* months. The right podcast could yield thousands of dollars! Your commission will be paid after the end of the 5 months via PayPal or Check.
* Revenue is based on orders from both host-read ads and Libsyn Auto Ads that air within the first 5-month period, putting more money in your pocket. Also your 5% commission comes out of our rev share, not the podcaster's so their payout stays the same whether you recommended them or not.