The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

Religion & Spirituality, True Crime


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Hosting Provider
Megaphone (IAB Certified) IAB Certification
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Christianity Today is globally respected as a source of news, commentary, and resources for Christians across a wide spectrum of traditions and denominations, engaging more than 4.5 million people each month at 2021 finds CT in a time of growth and transition under new leadership, including a significant expansion of media work, with The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill being the single largest effort: an in-depth 12=part narrative exploration of a story that was front page news

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Podcast Information

About the Host
host profile pic
Host Name: Michael Cosper
Host Residence Country: United States
Any of the Host(s) Identify as LGBTQ+: (No Response)

Any of the Host(s) are:
Caucasian: (No Response)
African American: (No Response)
LatinX: (No Response)
Asian: (No Response)
Other: (No Response)
Mike Cosper is the Director of Podcasts for Christianity Today and the author of several books. His connection to the Mars Hill story is an intimate one, as many of those involved were friends and partners in ministry years ago when Mike served a church in the same network. He's also the host of Cultivated: Conversations about Faith and Work and the producer of many other shows for CT.
Average Episode Length
20 Minutes - 1 Hour

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