The Book Case

Arts, Fiction
Hosting Provider
Megaphone (IAB Certified) IAB Certification
Weekly on Thu

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Are you stuck in a reading rut? The Book Case makes the case for books outside of your usual genre. Wander the aisles of your local bookstore with Kate and Charlie Gibson and meet fascinating characters who will open your appetite to new categories while deepening your hunger for books. This weekly series will journey cover to cover through the literary world, featuring interviews with best-selling authors, tastemakers, and independent bookstore owners. New episodes post every Thursday.

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Podcast Information

About the Host
host profile pic
Host Name: Kate and Charlie Gib
Host Residence Country: United States
Any of the Host(s) Identify as LGBTQ+: (No Response)

Any of the Host(s) are:
Caucasian: (No Response)
African American: (No Response)
LatinX: (No Response)
Asian: (No Response)
Other: (No Response)
Show's Primary Language
English (US)
Average Episode Length
20 Minutes - 1 Hour

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