Millennial Money
Business, Education
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Millennials face an unprecedented financial landscape in modern life. We’ve been told all along there are financial markers to being a grown-up: owning a home, having kids, traveling, having some kind of social life. But for many millennials, lots of those things feel well out of reach. We’re fumbling through a brand new version of adulthood, but how do we navigate that without being stressed about finances all the time?
Business reporter Ghada Alsharif speaks to fellow millennials about their relatable financial dilemmas, then brings it all straight to an expert to work out some options, because money is more than numbers on a spreadsheet. This is your life. And we’re talking about it, here on Millennial Money.
Business reporter Ghada Alsharif speaks to fellow millennials about their relatable financial dilemmas, then brings it all straight to an expert to work out some options, because money is more than numbers on a spreadsheet. This is your life. And we’re talking about it, here on Millennial Money.
Podcast Information
About the Host
Host Name: Ghada Alsharif
Host Residence Country: United States
Any of the Host(s) Identify as LGBTQ+: (No Response)
Any of the Host(s) are:
Caucasian: (No Response)
African American: (No Response)
LatinX: (No Response)
Asian: (No Response)
Other: (No Response)
Ghada Alsharif is a business reporter at the Toronto Star covering workers' rights, affordability and the grocery industry among other topics. Before that, Ghada worked as a journalist in Lebanon from 2018 to 2021 and reported on the country's economic collapse and the Beirut port explosion. She is a former Fellow in journalism at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto.
Show's Primary Language
English (US)
Average Episode Length
20 Minutes - 1 Hour
Audience Demographics
Audience Percent by Country
United States | 4% | |
Canada | 92% |
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