Landry Football Network

Landry Football Network



Downloads per Weekly Group
Hosting Provider
Podbean (IAB Certified) IAB Certification
Daily on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

All episodes that air during a week
are sold as a single group.

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The Landry Football Podcast Nework is a look at the NFL and College game where veteran coach and scout Chris Landry offers his unique insights into players, coaches, teams and schemes as he breaks down the film and lets you on the inside of what is going on in the game.

Shows include:
- Landry Football Podcast
- Big Ten and Beyond
- Big 12 and Beyond
- Pac 12 and Beyond

From what he sees on tape to what he hears in the scouting and coaching community, this is where you will learn the latest.

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Wondery - VO :60

Podcast Information

Average Episode Length
20 Minutes - 1 Hour

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