Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction

Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction

Health & Fitness, Comedy


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Podbean (IAB Certified) IAB Certification
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Dopey is the premier podcast on drugs, addiction, recovery and dumb shit—we laugh along with the incredible missteps addicts and alcoholics take and celebrate their recovery. Dopey strives to end the profound shame and stigma associated with addiction.
We receive up to 60,000 downloads a week and have over 9.7 million total downloads. We invite you to tap into our worldwide listenership with which to build trust, loyalty, reach a new audience and grow your sales and business! We have a loyal

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Podcast Information

About the Host
Host Name: David Manheim
Any of the Host(s) Identify as LGBTQ+: (No Response)

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Other: (No Response)
Dave, from the Dopey Podcast, is a TV producer turned heroin addict, turned waiter at Katz's Deli, turned father, turned person in recovery turned podcaster. Dave grew up in New York City and lived in New York all his life except for 7 miserable, methadone filled years in Los Angeles. Dopey was created by Dave and Chris in 2016, they met in rehab in Connecticut about 8 years ago. Chris tragically died in July of 2018, relapsing and overdosing on cocaine and fentanyl. Dave never stopped making
Average Episode Length
1-1.5 Hours

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Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction

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